I said this was about $Saito yesterday - now @lex_node says today the ultimate solution is validators running all infrastructure
26 Aug 2023, 20:11
I said this was about $Saito yesterday - now @lex_node says today the ultimate solution is validators running all infrastructure between the user and the app.
This is exactly the problem $Saito solves on an economic level. There's a reason validators won't do it (well/at all).
Same news in other sources
126 Aug 2023, 20:22
When the longest standing criticism of a project is "too good to be true," and substantial critiques have failed...
When people either end up believers or losing their argument...
there's probably something big worth looking into.
When the longest standing criticism of a project is "too good to be true," and substantial critiques have failed.
When the longest standing criticism of a project is "too good to be true," and substantial critiques have failed...
When people either end up believers or losing their argument...
there's probably something big worth looking into.